UPDATE 2023: Our History & Future Direction
Virtualteamworks.com (VTWX.com) has evolved through several versions and is now investigating a new direction.
Ver 0.0: From 1989 to 1997, Xperientia.org offered consulting advice to the experiential learning community on face-to-face team-building. Following successful experiments with virtual team-building from 1994 to 1996, it rebranded as VTWX.com
Ver 1.0: From 1997 to 2005, VTWX.com provided direct delivery of virtual team-building events, electronic facilitator training, and global leadership development. All programs utilized online communication tools and experiential learning methods. State-of-the-art contents and processes were decades ahead of their time and without equal. This website is a snapshot in time, taken at the height of program productivity, just before direct delivery elements of the company were sold to a European competitor. It is preserved here as an historical indication of what was possible around the turn of the last century (c.2000).
Ver 2.0: From 2005 to 2023, the company morphed into providing training and development services for the operators who rose to use this approach. Instead of offering programs, VTWX.com began sharing technology, techniques, and events with other providers and companies conducting in-house programs. In the future, select VTWX staff will continue to offer consulting services to those who request these.
Ver 3.0: Today, and for the next decade to come, VTWX.com is evolving toward another new level of service. Watch this page for future announcements of new directions post COVID-19. The culmination of this evolutionary process will be large and small conferences next year to discuss best practices and decide on the most innovative path to follow.
Now planning for 2026, a Beijing conference & Xi'an executive event
Meanwhile, with the advent of COVID-19 and other novel infections that will inevitably follow, many face-to-face providers have begun switching to virtual teambuilding. We stand ready to help you make this transition with ongoing consultation and advice. Cheers.
Simon Priest, PhD
President & Chief Executive Officer